Let's get started!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Lenten Journey

On Feb. 22nd we began our Lenten Journey by recognizing the we are all dust and to dust we will return.  The reailty of knowing that we are mortal and can only find eternal life through the acceptance of the salvation freely given by Christ to whom we belong is a reality that is unfortunately yet to be known to each person.

As we journey together, I invite all students in grades 6-8 and your families to come to the chapel at 10:15 am on Sunday, March 4th for a special worship service around the Lord's Table.  Come to reflect, come to be fed, come to know and be known, come to journey...

Friday, February 10, 2012


Thank you to all the youth who volunteered and the church members who donated money and food to make the 2012 SOUPER BOWL OF CARING a HUGE SUCCESS!

We raised over $300 and collected overr 50 canvas shippoing bags full of food to donate to the SHIP (Summit Helping Its People) breakfast and lunch programs for those in need in our community.


Nationally over $12 million was raised on Feb 5th to fight hunger in the US - and as a bonus the GIANTS WON!
