Let's get started!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

fantastic support!

I am so excited about Faith Adventure and Youth Fellowship both kicking off this Sunday!

First off, we had 5 famillies participate in the 3rd Grade Communion Prepardeness Class with a Passover Seder dinner this past Sunday.  It was a great tine for learning and fellowship.  (I think the parents learned stuff too!)

I have at least 12 committed adult volunteers to support our middle school and senir high fellowship program!!!  They are super excited and supportive and signed up eagerly for Sunday evenings to be here for fellowship and the "Joan of Arcadia" curriculum we are using.

This Sunday afternoon we are painting the Youth Center!

Faith Adventure kicks off this Sunday morning at 9 am!!  I am super excited to explore the Bible Lessons from Spark Sunday School in a more casual and inter-generational setting!

Please join us for eveyhting you can!  This will be an awesome Fall at CPC!

~Pastor Cynthia

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i make all things new

The message this past Sunday in worship was God's promise to make all things new. 

What an amazing promise!

God is very much alive and at work at CPC and although many things may feel like the same old routine there is a refeshing new life being brought to our programs in addition to the reality of the many compeletly new activities.

Our church is intentionally beiopening ourselves up to where the Holy Spirit is moving us and that is exciting!

Although it may look like our church calendar is filling up with busy programs, the intended result is not just to be busy but instead through participation and purposeful decisions as to where to committ our time and talents the result we seek is the fruitful development of all aspects of the church.  This includes the development of the faith of our members as a whole as well as on an individaul basis.

Just as the dryer sheets bringsa freshness to our favorite gym shorts, just as we all know that 'new car smell' is from the tree hanging on the rear view mirror but the car is still the same old car, and as we all return to the school routine that is so familiar yet so new, let us embrace the newness and the familiarities about life at CPC and be open to what God will do here to truly make this a fruitful congergation.

~Pastor Cynthia

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

first day of school

Well students in Summit headed back to school today.
It is my hope that today was a blessing in the lives of many children and families as well as teachers (although the reality is today probably had some chaotic and anxious moments).

As we watched Warwick Road next to Franklin School fill up with cars, parents, students, and the occasional dog, as classes started bright and early today it conjured up memories of my childhood.

I can remember back to my first day of school each year.  My mom would make my brother and I stand on the back porch and have our photo taken to remember what we looked like on the first day.  She chronicled how tall we had gotten as well as the fashion trends of that Fall season.

Now I get to look forward to my own daughter starting school in 2 years.

It is amazing how school creates routines in our lives, influences when we wake up, where we go, who we meet.  We each create our identity through our experiences in our lives, much of which comes from our school encounters.

Part of my role here at Central Pres is to oversee the Christian Education of our Families, Youth, & Children.  I hope that Sunday School is seen as a welcomed part of the lives of the members and visitors of our church.  Sunday School should not be boring, it should not be dreaded, and it should not feel like a chore.  Instead, learning about God, exploring our faith, and being nurtured by fellow Christians should bring us great joy. 

If this is not how you have experienced Sunday School please let me know.  Share with me how you would like to ge to know yourself and God better.  Nothing should cause you to turn away from exploring your faith.  So please let me know how you, your peers, your family, and the community at large can feel included, find joy, and gain knowledge here at CPC and I will do everyhting in my power to transform the experience of Christian Education here into what people need in order to genuinely spiritually fed.

~Pastor Cynthia